Consumer OnBoarding

Please fill out all the necessary forms below

At Trinity Omniscient Care, we strive to ensure that our customers have convenient access to their onboarding documents. To that end, we ask that you take the time to fill out each of the forms listed below in the established order. Thank you!

Trinity Omniscient Care, treasure coast service provider for the disabled
Frequently Asked Questions

In October 2004, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) became an agency separate from the Department of Children and Families, specifically tasked with serving the needs of Floridians with developmental disabilities.

All Providers must comply with the APD Basic Required Trainings by completing: 

  1. Direct Care Core Competency (once), 
  2. Zero Tolerance (every three-years), and 
  3. APD HIPAA training (annually).
TRAIN Florida APD Site Administrator Support

TRAIN Florida APD Support Team Hours:  Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
Email them at:

More information about the Learning Management System (LMS) TRAIN can be found here.